The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is a statutory body of the association, which governs its activity, negotiates on its behalf and ensures the overall management of the association. The Board coordinates and ensures the activity among the general assembly meetings.


The current Board of Directors was adjusted at the General Meeting on 7th July 2016.

Silvia Nagyová, President

She has been working in the field of facility management since 2001 in managerial positions on the part of corporate clients. She has extensive experience in working environment preparation projects as well as providing comprehensive facility management services mainly in the IT/TELCO segment. The most important include the preparation of premises and opening of the European IT center for customer support at the European level by Hewlett Packard and in creating company headquarters for O2 Slovakia (Telefonica S.A.).

Currently she holds the position of Head of fleet, facility and rental management in Slovak Telekom.

Silvia Nagyová was elected President of the Association in April 2015 by the General Assembly of SAFM. Until then, she held the position of member of the Board of the Slovak Association of Facility Management.

Karol Hederling, Vice president

He has been working in the field of facility management since 1992. In his career, he went from the municipal sector to multinational companies such as Slovak Telekom (Deutsche Telekom Group), Strabag PFS and ISS Facility Services. He worked in top management positions on the part of clients and on the part of providers. His most significant projects were the outsourcing of facility management section for Slovak Telekom and integration of FM services in Slovenské elektrárne (Enel). He currently serves as an independent consultant in the field of FM.

He is a founding member and board member of the Slovak Association of Facility Management (SAFM) and is also active in the international organization EuroFM.

Martin Záhora, Member of the Board

He has been working in the field of facility management since 2000. In 2005 he founded the company Slovclean, which has grown in the ten years of its operation on the Slovak market into one of the largest cleaning companies and a leader in the provision of facility management services in Slovakia. Martin Záhora is the Chairman of the Board in the company.

Martin Záhora has been a member of the Board of the Slovak Association of Facility Management since 2015.

Miroslav Kukla, Member of the Board

Since 1996, he has been actively involved in the area of curtain walling and construction holes. He is Managing Partner and CEO of B.E.Service, spol. s r.o., a company dealing with service, maintenance and repair of curtain walls. The company is one of the leading providers of these services on the local market.

In 2015, he completed an accredited further education program entitled Building Management and Maintenance – Facility Management. He is an active member of the team of lecturers at Slovak University of Technology within an accredited further education program Housing Stock Management.

Lubomír Šivec, Member of the Board

He has been active in the area of facility management since 2014. Before that, he worked in the construction area on several levels, which allowed him to gain experience with bringing buildings into operation.

In the area of facility management, he worked as Property Manager for constructions belonging to Poštová banka group. Currently, he is Executive Director of the Facility Management and Cleaning Division at Edymax SE.

In 2017, he has successfully passed the pan-European Site Manager certification.

Marek Horský, Member of the Board and Secretary

In 2011 he graduated from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Building Technology. After finishing the doctoral studies in 2013 he began working in the banking sector in which he operates to this day. He was in working positions as construction engineer, internal auditor, HVAC engineer and currently working as property manager.

In 2012 he graduated from postgraduate studies in Facility Management. He is a holder of internal auditor certification for the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2009.

Since 2015 has been a member of the Board of the Slovak Association of Facility Management.

Vladimír Prvý, člen predstavenstva a pokladník

V roku 2012 absolvoval štúdium na Slovenskej technickej univerzite v Bratislave, na Stavebnej fakulte odbor Technológia stavieb. Po ukončení  štúdia  začal pracovať v stavebnom sektore v ktorom pôsobí aj dnes. Prešiel pracovnými pozíciami ako asistent v oblasti revízií tlakových a plynových zariadení, kreslič výkresov, technik štruktúrovaných kabeláží, junior projektový manažér stavby a aktuálne pracuje na pozícii vedúci projekcie, prípravy a rozpočtov slaboprúdových systémov.

V roku 2012 absolvoval postgraduálne štúdium Facility management. Je držiteľom kvalifikačného osvedčenia pre systém manažérstva kvality podľa STN EN ISO 9001:2009.

Od roku 2015 je pokladníkom a od roku 2016 členom predstavenstva Slovenskej asociácie Facility managementu.